Thursday, November 1, 2012

11/2 - 11/9

Be a part of National Walk or Ride your bide to school month.
Let’s enjoy our lovely weather and walk to avoid more cars on the road.  It’s good for the environment and good for your health and helps you get to school on time.  As parents we ask your help in getting your child to school every day on time.  We have bike racks on both sides of the school and encourage you to lock your bike to the racks every day.  Scooters are not allowed on campus. Protect your school and library books inside your backpack by putting plastic bags around them.  Enjoy your walk!

Kids Vote Hawai’i
The website is Explore the ballot together, visit the candidate and party links, and discuss the issues. You will need the students password from the half sheet of paper that came home last week. Once they push submit their votes will be recorded and announced on the news on KHVH as soon as polls close on November 6th.
Fri. Nov. 2          After school for families 2:10 – 3:30-Eth-Noh-Tec  "Kinetic story theater"
                      Dominos for Dinner – Order from the Dominos on post and Hale Kula profits. This is the last Dominos fundraiser until February – Please support

Sat. Nov. 3         Holiday Craft Fair at Leilehua High School Cafeteria from 9am – 2pm Christmas gifts and local crafts, food and baked goods, farmers market, plants and orchids, entertainment and door prizes. Don’t miss the air riflery and archery zone.

                      Hale Kula Robotics Team will be participating in the First Lego League District Competition this Saturday, November 3 @ 11:30 a.m.!  The competition will be held in the cafeteria at Mililani High School.  They welcome your support!

Mon. Nov. 5        Chaperone Training in P14 at 10:00 am

Tues. Nov. 6        NO SCHOOL – Election Day

Wed. Nov. 7        Buddy Pictures will be in the yearbook standing with your friend(s).
                      $1.00 per person in the picture. Afterschool next to the office

Thurs. Nov. 8       Looking for some volunteers 8am – 10am to clip and count Boxtops in P14
                      1st Grade Field Trip to the Aquarium for P5, P6, P10, H3
                      Buddy Pictures will be in the yearbook with your friends. $1.00 per person in the picture.  During morning recess for kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grades.

Fri. Nov. 9          Make up picture taking from Lifetouch– If you don’t like your pictures, bring back the envelope to retake a new picture. Also students new since Sept. 19 be prepared to take your official yearbook photo.
                      Complex Volleyball Tournament – Good luck to our team
                      Buddy Pictures are casual pictures that will be in the yearbook standing with your friends. $1.00 for each person in the picture.  During morning recess for 1st and 3rd and 5th grade.  And after school for everyone next to P14.

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