No Pets
on Campus
Dear Parents; On
page 26 of the Hale Kula Parent-Teacher Handbook, we request that you do not
walk your pets on school grounds. This also
applies to bringing all sorts of other pets to the Hale Kula campus. Please refrain from bringing any pet to
school unless previous permission has been granted by your child's
teacher. We appreciate you cooperation
in this regard. Sincerely, Agnes Leinau, Vice Principal
Pass the
Torch of Reading
We have posted the torches in 2 large areas around campus.
But couldn’t hang them all yet. Now the
class that is in the lead is B2, Ms. Florexil’s class. Class contest lasts
until Sept. 13. Each $1.00 donated should be accompanied by a colored and cut
out torch.
Sat. & Sun Sept. 1
& 2 Okinawan Festival in Kapiolani
Park from 9am – 5pm. Check out a unique cultures food, games, dress, crafts,
activities and more.
Mon. Sept. 3 NO SCHOOL – Happy Labor Day
Tues. Sept. 4 Book Fair Previews all week in the
Library –Each class visits to make wish list
Treats for teachers after school – thanks to
parents for snacks brought in
Wed. Sept. 5 Wear your Hale Kula T shirt to show your
school spirit
Thurs. Sept. 6 Author Margo Sorenson visits and all
Kindergarten Parents are invited 8-9:15 to the cafeteria. This is a great
opportunity for kindergarten parents to work with their child on a creative
project together. Remember to bring a picture of your child.
Fri. Sept. 7 Chaperone Training at 8:00 am in P14
4th Grade Field Trip to Bishop
After school today the Book Fair is open in the
Library for sales