Monday, November 9, 2015

Morning Procedures

Thank you for cooperating with our new morning procedures. We know that we have to work out some kinks, but ultimately, it will be safer for our students to have those waiting by C building closer to their classrooms. They will no longer trample over little kids in the hallways to get to their classrooms.

A question was raised about why we didn't have teachers monitor the hallways in the morning and escort unsupervised students to the cafeteria. Teachers' work day does not technically begin until 7:50, but they have agreed to open their doors at 7:45 so students can be ready for the day when the tardy bell rings at 7:55. This is a safety issue, and we appreciate your cooperation.

It is my understanding that at many other schools, parents are not even allowed to take their children to their classrooms. Rather, there is a holding area and parents drop off and pick up their children in that area. We don't have a holding area and we know that parents like to say goodbye to their children at the classroom. With so many little brothers and sisters walking with parents, we want to ensure that everyone is safe.

To those who expressed a concern that they were not informed about this change, we communicated through different methods. We send a memo last Wednesday to the youngest or only child at Hale Kula; we posted on Facebook on Wednesday and this past weekend; there was a reminder in the Hale Kula Highlights; and we sent a Remind message to those who've signed up for that service.

Thank you for working with us to ensure the safety of all those on campus. If you have any suggestions, we welcome your input. We continue to discuss how we can improve the dismissal procedures after school.

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