Sunday, January 25, 2015


I realized that I had neglected to announce the winners of the random drawing for the Volunteer and the Staff for the second quarter.  Congratulations to Hilary Lambert, kindergarten teacher, and Stephanie Pugh, a parent volunteer, for winning a $50 Chili's gift card!

Anyone can nominate someone who has made a difference for your child or for you.  At the end of the quarter, we randomly draw a name from all those who've been nominated this school year (but no one can win more than once).

To nominate a staff member for the 3rd quarter, go to Hooray for Our Hale Kula Staff! blog.
To nominate a volunteer for the 3rd quarter, go to Hooray for Our Volunteers! blog.
Add a comment under "Third Quarter." The comment will have to be approved before being published.

We have great volunteers and staff at Hale Kula! Thank you, all, for making a difference at Hale Kula!  Check out our bulletin board by the front of the cafeteria.  We'd love for it to be completely filled with positive comments about our volunteers and staff!

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