Thursday, August 27, 2015

8/28 - 9/3

Book Swap and Popcorn sale today was so popular despite the weather. It was great to see kids excited about books. Never have we sold out of popcorn so quickly (sorry about that) next month we will make more. Mark your calendars Thursday, Sept. 17 is the next one.

Join us Tuesday, September 1 at 1:00 p.m. to hear FBI Special Agent Leonard Feula speak about keeping our children safe online.  Find out how to monitor your child's online usage and how to have conversations about safety.  Special Agent Feula welcomes your questions!  Questions?  Email librarian Michelle Colte

Intramural Volunteers:
If there are any parents who would like to help with Intramural Sports, please contact Mr. Bevacqua in D3. Intramurals take place between 12:30 and 2:00. There is a need for referees, scorekeepers, course marshals, etc.,

We have noticed that many children are moving around campus in the early morning without adult supervision.  If you walk your child to class, please stay with them until the 7:45 AM bell rings.  If you drop off your children, please remind them to wait by the cafeteria where we have school staff to supervise.  We also caution children to walk on the sidewalks and to try stay out of the mud, especially given the rain we've had of late!  We thank you for your continued cooperation. 

1-2-3 Magic:  With humor, insight and proven success, this 3-week series breaks down the task of parenting into three straightforward jobs.  Schofield Barracks ACS. Thursday, Sept 3, 10 & 17 12-1:30pm
Parenting 101: This class highlights current best practices and provides parents with tips and tools to assist them in reaching their parenting goals. Schofield Barracks ACS.  Every 2nd & 4th Friday 12-1
Register Today for either Parenting class listed above!
Call 655-4ACS or click “Class Calendar” at
Fri. Aug. 28        School starts at 7:55 every day – Thanks for being on time

Sat. Aug. 29        Haleiwa Art Walk runs from 6pm – 9pm in Haleiwa town, featuring sales, activities and events hosted by dozens of merchants. This is held every last Saturday of the month. Call 637-4558

Sat. Aug. 29 & Sun. Aug. 30   Greek Festival at Ala Moana Park , McCoy Pavillion from noon – 9pm $3.00. Enjoy Greek food, dance entertainment, goods and more.

Sun. Aug. 30         3rd annual Ka Iwi Coast run & walk. This 4 mile race gives participants a wonderful and unique opportunity to see places along the course from Sandy Beach to Makapu Beach (this is just past Haunama Bay). Cost is $40. and $30 for 12 and under and 65 plus. All participants will receive a commemorative hand-blown glass fishing float, a race T shirt and at the end free watermelon. The race starts at 6:15am. register up until race day at

Mon. Aug. 31         Chaperone Training in PCNC corner of front office from 8am – 8:30am

Tues. Sept. 1        Copy Training in PCNC corner of front office  then we walk to D4 to use copier and laminator from 8am – 9am or so. No kids at this training

                      1pm in the cafeteria Online Safety for your kids with speaker from FBI

Wed. Sept. 2       Field Trip 3rd grade HTY

Friday, August 21, 2015

8/21 - 8/30

Bus Riders
Beginning August 24th, Roberts Hawaii will not allow any student to board a school bus without a school bus pass. Please ensure that your child returns a completed bus application with full payment to our school office by this date. So, be prepared to show your bus pass when boarding every day.

TP rolls and paper towel rolls are being collected for fun art projects in Sept. Thank you for saving these and dropping them into Makerspace collection boxes in front office or outside F4.

Thank you for casting your votes for PTO Board Members.
Congratulations to the following on being voted in for the new 2015 – 2016 PTO Board;
President- Christy Lara
1st VP – Mirieli Mendez
2nd VP – Tricia Mitchell
Treasurer – Cristin Fanning
Secretary – Jamie Wilson
Communications – Amneris Perez
Membership – Lory Lambert
Yearbook – Erin McNamara
Redemptions – Amanda Osuna
Thanks to all the candidates who were willing to give up their time to serve the board and help out our school. We look forward to a great year with all of you!

Fri. Aug. 21         NO SCHOOLStatehood Day in Hawai’i

Fri. Aug. 21         Home Alone Class offered by ACS from 9am – 12 noon. This is an interactive workshop for parents & children providing children ages 9-12 with the tools to make responsible decisions when they begin to stay home alone. Topics include: First Aid, Fire Safety and Internet Safety. A parent must attend with his/her child. Please register 2 days ahead. 655-4ACS

Fri. Aug. 21 & 22 from 10am – 9pm and Aug. 23 from 10am – 5pm.
Made in Hawaii Festival. 475 vendors from throughout the state are slated to participate, featuring food, hand-crafted goods, jewelry, artwork, woodworking and more. Neal Blaisdell exhibition Hall and arena for more info.

Sat. Aug. 22          Wahiawa Botanical Garden has a FREE workshop on Basic Macro and Flower Photography from 9:30 – 11:30am. For reservations call 522-7066

Mon. Aug. 24       School starts at 7:55 every day – Be in class ready to learn

Aug. 24 & 25      Auditions – Central Theatre Arts Academy holds auditions from 3pm – 5:30pm at Mililani High School Room L – 203 for the musical ‘A Piece of My Heart’ playing Nov. 13 – 22. Call 307-4356

Tues. Aug. 25      Chaperone Training in PCNC corner of front office from 8am – 8:30am

                   HUI Super Sign Up at the Nehelani from 6pm – 8pm. Sign up for many community organizations including Girl Scouts.

Wed. Aug. 26      School is out at 1:10 every Wednesday

Thurs. Aug. 27     Book Swap and Popcorn Sale afterschool in the cafeteria
                   Bring a book from home and swap for another. Popcorn for 50 cents

Fri. Aug. 28

Sat. Aug. 29       Haleiwa Art Walk runs from 6pm – 9pm in Haleiwa town, featuring sales, activities and events hosted by dozens of merchants. This is held every last Saturday of the month. Call 637-4558

Sun. Aug. 30        3rd annual Ka Iwi Coast run & walk. This 4 mile race gives participants a wonderful and unique opportunity to see places along the course from Sandy Beach to Makapu Beach (this is just past Haunama Bay). Cost is $40. and $30 for 12 and under and 65 plus. All participants will receive a commemorative hand-blown glass fishing float, a race T shirt and at the end free watermelon. The race starts at 6:15am. register up until race day at

Thursday, August 13, 2015

8/14 - 8/22

P14 for many years was the home of PTO and PCNC and PSAP and Transition Center. Now the portable remains on campus as the office for the construction supervisor. The P14 folk are in different places around the school.
PTO is in P15B. They have school T shirts for sale most mornings. 
PSAP is run by Mrs. Oliveros in P16A.
PCNC and Transition Center are in the front corner of the front office. All Chaperone and Copy Trainings are there. Transition Center tours are available for any Hale Kula family and schedule is: Monday & Friday at 12:00, Tuesday & Thursday at 9:00 and Wednesday at 11:30. Attending the tour gives you a welcome folder of school and community activities and a tour of the school, so feel free to come anytime.

Bus Riders
If you have not yet submitted an application and wish to continue using bus service, please immediately submit your bus pass application to the school office along with the applicable payment. Bus pass application forms are available from the school office. While new riders have been allowed to board the bus until now without a valid bus pass, please be advised that bus drivers everywhere will begin enforcing the department’s bus pass policies beginning Monday, August 24, 2015. So be prepared to show your bus pass when boarding.

Fri. Aug. 14         Kona Ice fundraiser afterschool by the play structure

Sat. Aug. 15        Horse Show in Waimanalo at 9am for FREE. The Olympic sport of Dressage is sometimes called “horse ballet”. Watch talented riders perform. Hilltop Equestrian Center at 41-430 Waikupanaha Street.

Sun. Aug. 16        Sundays at the Bay: Science and the deep sea. Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, Education Alcove classroom from 3pm – 4pm for FREE. UH-Manoa’s Clifton Nunnally discusses “Physiology in the Deep-Sea trenches; What we can learn by determining the amount of oxygen used by animals and sediments in these extreme environments” 397-5840

Mon. Aug. 17         Chaperone Training in PCNC corner of front office from 8am – 8:30am
                      School Community Council Meeting at 3pm

Mon. Aug. 17              U.A. Army Garrison Hawaii Family and MWR Hiring Fair at Leilehua Golf Course Ballroom from 10am – 2pm for FREE. Civilians are invited to the MWR Hiring Fair for part and full time positions. On site interviews will be held at the fair. 656-3318

Tues. Aug. 18       Copy Training in PCNC corner of front office from 8am – 9am or so. Learn how to use the copiers and laminators so you can offer to help teachers

Wed. Aug. 19       PTO voting in the front office all day for new Board positions. Everyone is encourage to stop by the front office and cast your ballot today only.

Thurs. Aug. 20     Chaperone Training in PCNC corner of front office from 1:30pm – 2pm

Fri. Aug. 21         NO SCHOOL – Statehood Day in Hawai’i

Fri. Aug. 21         Home Alone Class offered by ACS from 9am – 12 noon. This is an interactive workshop for parents & children providing children ages 9-12 with the tools to make responsible decisions when they begin to stay home alone. Topics include: First Aid, Fire Safety and Internet Safety. A parent must attend with his/her child. Please register 2 days ahead. 655-4ACS

Sat. Aug. 22        Wahiawa Botanical Garden has a FREE workshop on Basic Macro and Flower Photography from 9:30 – 11:30am. For reservations call 522-7066

Friday, August 7, 2015

8/7 - 8/14

Fri. Aug. 7          PTO information meeting for new Board members 1:30 – 2 in the cafeteria

Fri. Aug. 7              National Night Out from 4:30p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Kaena Community Center, Schofield Barracks. This annual event sponsored by Island Palms Community invites all families to come out for some fun activities. This is at the community center across from Solomon Elementary. There will be representatives from many community organizations and free games and activities for all ages.

Sat. Aug. 8         Family Fair at Wahiawa District Park from 10am – 1pm. Rides, food, craft booths and more. 622-4751

Mon. Aug. 10        School starts at 7:55 every day – Be in class ready to learn

Tues. Aug. 11        Chaperone Training in PCNC corner of front office from 8am – 8:30am. Classes are offered once a week throughout the school year. Required to come once before attending any field trip. You can renew your Chaperone Training from last year by filling our 2nd page of Parent Bulletin that came home this week.

Wed. Aug. 12       Super Scout Sign Up at the Scout Hut from 4pm – 7pm.
                      Register for Girl, Boy and Cub Scouts at the Hut behind Thrift Store

Thurs. Aug. 13      Copy Training in PCNC corner of front office from 8am – 9am or so. Learn how to use the copiers and laminators so you can offer to help teachers

Fri. Aug. 14         2nds at Leilehua. Many food trucks in the Leilehua High School parking lot from 4:30pm – 6:30pm. Stop by for dinner