Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Super Eagle Assembly - October 1, 2014

If it's raining tomorrow or if the grounds are too wet, we will have the Super Eagle Assembly in the cafeteria beginning at 8:30. Unfortunately, all of the students will not fit in the cafeteria, but parents of Super Eagles will all be able to attend.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Miscellaneous Reminders

A few miscellaneous reminders for this week:

a)  The Book Fair is open in F4 from 7:30-3:00.  Students will be visiting the Book Fair with their class this week to purchase books.  We welcome you to come with the classroom!  Check with your child's teacher for their scheduled time.

b) Our first Super Eagle of the Quarter assembly is on Wednesday, October 1 at 8:30 in the field behind the school (the recess field for grades 1, 3, and 4).  Students will be seated by grade levels in front of the stage.  Parents, please wait until all students are seated so we don't have to keep asking you to move.  We hope to be seated and ready-to-begin by 8:30.  One of our new Hale Kula parents asked what the Super Eagle of the Quarter Assembly is.  Two Super Eagles are selected by their teacher or their classmates to be recognized for following the Tribes agreements (Safety First, Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening, Right to Pass/Right to Participate, and Appreciations/No Put-Downs) and the General Learner Outcomes (Self-Directed Learner, Community Contributor, Complex Thinker, Quality Producer, Effective Communicator, and Effective and Ethical User of Technology). The assembly is an opportunity for these students to be recognized for trying their best and caring about others in school.  It's about being a good citizen of Hale Kula.

c)  Sometimes we forget to post our breakfast and lunch menu and parents need to gently remind us with a query on Facebook.  Please know that we do our best to keep up, and this month, we are early :-)  Here's the link to the menu for October. It is also posted on our website under "What's for Lunch?"  http://www.scribd.com/doc/241378364/Breakfast-Lunch-Menu-October-2014

Thank you!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9/26 - 10/3

Bus Riders
Bus payments for Quarter 2 are being accepted in the office. 
Fees are:  $72.00/round trip; $36.00/one-way; $12.50 per sheet of 10 coupons. 
For passes we can accept checks (to Department of Education) or cash, but cash only for coupons.   Please bring exact amount.  Mahalo!

Parents are encouraged and invited to attend the Cardboard Challenge on Oct. 3 with their child’s class. Each grade level comes to the field for 45 minutes to play and build from cardboard and other recycled items. Parents can help build and write names on creations

Fall Festival is coming on November 1 from 1pm – 5pm.  Accepting vendor applications with payment in P14. For a copy of the application email halekulafallfestival@gmail.com or stop by P14
Fri. Sept. 26        Chaperone Training at 8am in P14
½ of 3rd grade goes on field trip to Tropic Lightning museum

Sat. Sept. 27       Keiki Carnival at Kapolei Commons 10am – noon free. Featuring carnival games, clowns, jugglers, face painting, a climbing wall, contest, giveaways and more. Thekapoleicommons.com

Mon. Sept. 29      School starts at 7:55 – be in your seat in class ready to learn

Tues. Sept. 30      Chaperone Training in P14 at 8am

Wed. Oct. 1        Super Eagle Assembly at 8:30am - 9:30am in back of the school
                      ½ of 1st grade Field Trip to Kahuku Farms

Thurs. Oct. 2       Breakfast with my Soldier for I1, I2, I3, I4 in the cafeteria (BYOB)
                      ½ of 1st grade Field Trip to Kahuku Farms
                       Dominos Pizza fundraiser – order from Dominos on post all day long

Fri. Oct. 3          Cardboard Challenge. Grade levels come to the field to imagine, build, play
                               4th Grade        8:15 – 9:00
3rd Grade        9:15 – 10:00
2nd Grade        10:15 – 11:00
5th Grade        11:05 – 11:50
1st Grade        12:15 – 1:00
kinder             1:15 – 2:00

Sat & Sun Oct. 4 & 5    40th Annual Honolulu Intertribal Powwow. 10am – 5pm at Thomas Square Park at 925 S. Beretania St. Honolulu. FREE. Native Dancing, Drumming and singing, fry bread and Indian tacos, Native American arts and crafts and more. Honoluluintertribalpowwow.com
School is out for intercession break from Oct. 6 – 13. School Returns on Oct. 14.

Hale Kula Library...online!
Please book mark the Hale Kula Library website so you and your family can access online resources and see the research projects students are doing in the library.  The Online Resources link connects you with electronic books and databases appropriate for a range of ages.  Tumble Books is a collection of online, animated picture books.  PebbleGo! has videos and text on science and social studies topics for Kindergarten thru third grade.  World Almanac Online connects students to information about important events, people, animals, countries and more.  All resources can be accessed from the library website, http://halekulalibrary.weebly.com with the username: halekula and the password: eagles

FREE Online math & science tutoring. Available to ALL Hawaii Dept. Of Education students K – 12 Monday – Friday 9am – 10pm. Sunday 5pm – 10pm. http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ola  click on Enter Tutoring Room. No login or password required. Just sign in using your first name. For more information: ola@hawaii.edu or 808-956-3714

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Federal Impact forms and Book Fair hours

Please continue to return your Federal Impact Aid forms.  We are still missing many forms and must account for everyone in our school.  We have had many forms rejected because information was missing or incorrect.  Make changes to the highlighted areas and return them to your child's teacher ASAP.

If your child will not be returning to Hale Kula after the Fall Break please let the office know immediately or records/release packet may not be ready on your child's last day.  Office needs 2 weeks notice to prepare each students release packet.

Book Fair in F4
Book Fair is open for sales this week during the school day.
Next week Book Fair Hours are Mon. Tues. Thurs. 7:30 - 3:00.
Wed. Oct. 1 open 7:30 - 2:00.
Shop with your child's class! Ask your child's teacher when you can meet the class at the Book Fair in F4

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Reminder - Please nominate someone!

Nominate Someone for the Staff or Volunteer of the Quarter Award!

Is there a Hale Kula staff member or volunteer who is making a difference for your child or your family?  Is there a special person who goes out of his/her way to do something extra for the school? Do you want to appreciate someone who makes your child or you feel special with just a friendly smile or a high-five?

If so, share what this person has done to deserve the "Hooray for Our Hale Kula Staff!" or "Hooray for Our Volunteers!" award for the first quarter of this school year!  It's easy. Here's the link:
 http://hoorayforhalekulastaff.blogspot.com/ orhttp://hoorayforvolunteers.blogspot.com.  Just click on "Comments" and type in why you are nominating this staff member or volunteer.  Your comment will be approved, and it'll be posted for all to see. 

Those who are nominated are truly appreciative and humbled that they are being recognized so don't be shy.  Oh, and thanks to the Hale Kula PTO, one staff member and one volunteer will be randomly picked each quarter to receive a $50 gift card. Thank you, PTO!

Nominate someone today!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


IMPORTANT REMINDER: Tomorrow, Friday, September 19 is our annual mandated evacuation drill.  The military will be assisting us in this drill.  You should be receiving a mass message this evening to remind you as well as one tomorrow morning when the drill begins. Please remember that this is a drill.  We need to know that staff and students know what to do in case of a real evacuation.

9/19 - 9/26

Federal Impact Aid forms have gone home to all our families.  Please complete a form for each of your children and return them to your child's teacher.  We need to return a form for each child enrolled at Hale Kula.

Your trash could be our treasure on Oct. 3 as we inspire, imagine, build, play and share at the 2nd Annual Cardboard Challenge.  Bring your donations to P14
Accepting donations. Please make sure all items are clean
paper towel rolls
TP rolls 
empty food containers
lei plastic containers
cereal boxes
Kleenex boxes
shoe boxes
egg cartons
small balls
any sort of round hoop
cardboard boxes of all types

Parents are encouraged and invited to attend the Cardboard Challenge on Oct. 3 with their child’s class. Each grade level comes to the field for 45 minutes to play and build from cardboard and other recycled items. Parents can help build and write names on creations
4th Grade        8:15 – 9:00
3rd Grade        9:15 – 10:00
2nd Grade       10:15 – 11:00
5th Grade        11:05 – 11:50
1st Grade        12:15 – 1:00
kinder             1:15 – 2:00

Fall Festival is coming on November 1 from 1pm – 5pm. There will be games and bouncers, entertainment and a costume parade (last chance to wear your costume) and so much more. We hope all families come to have some fun. 
If you are a vendor with a home based business this could be a great venue to sell your items. Look for flier in next Wed. Folder for more info. Hale Kula Parents have 1st priority. 
We will also have a chili cook off. Full rules and sign up info. in next Wed. Folder.
Fri. Sept. 19        School wide evacuation drill at 8:30. Wear good walking shoes, it’s ½ mile walk each way
Kona Ice Truck on campus afterschool and Friday Store in P14 and wear your bear to receive free bag of popcorn to ‘feed the bears’

Sat. Sept. 20       Leilehua Band Craft Fair in the school cafeteria from 9am – 2pm. Many vendors, food booths, entertainment, raffles Call 305-3054

Sat. Sept. 20       Day for Kids by Boys and Girls Club from 10am – 2pm. At school age center (corner of Lyman & Hewitt) Fun, entertainment and prizes

Sat. Sept. 20       Annual Waikiki Ho’olaule’a along Kalakaua Ave from 7pm – 10pm. FREE. The 62nd Annual Aloha Festivals Waikiki Ho’olaule’a features live Hawaiian music, hula, crafts, cuisine and more 
Students will be coming to D4 to preview the Book Fair all week long. They will come home with wish list of books they would like to read. Next week students will return during the school day and after school to purchase.

Mon. Sept. 22      SCC Town Hall Facebook Meeting 6pm – 7pm. From the comfort of your home computer or phone you can contribute your ideas to this online discussion.

Tues. Sept. 23     Fall Picture Taking for half the school
                      Field Trip for kindergarten to HTY
                      Fall Festival planning meeting 1pm in P14

Wed. Sept. 24     Fall Picture Taking for half the school

Thurs. Sept. 25    10th Annual Cross Country Invitational at Watts Field 9-11
                      ½ of 3rd grade goes on field trip to Tropic Lightning museum

Fri. Sept. 26        Chaperone Training at 8am in P14

½ of 3rd grade goes on field trip to Tropic Lightning museum

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

menu change & treat request

Lunch menu switch
Thursday's (Sept. 18) lunch will be Kalua Pork & Cabbage, steamed rice, lomi tomato, tropical pineapple and sweet roll

Friday's (Sept. 19) will be Corn Dog, potato smiles, baked beans, oranges

Help!  We need refreshments for our annual Treats for Teachers event on Monday, September 22. 

If you are able to provide treats, please click this link http://bit.ly/1q9hBPl, sign up for what you can bring.   

You may drop it off at F4 or the school office, Monday morning before school OR Monday afternoon just before the dismissal bell.  If you need your bowl/pan returned to you, please label it clearly with your name and child's room number.

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

SCC Virtual Meeting

Hale Kula's School Community Council will be hosting our semi-annual School Community Meeting on 9/22/14 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.  This is an opportunity to provide information, ask questions, and to get input and feedback from the school community on how we might improve our school.  You can participate with any mobile device or computer from anywhere! Follow the discussion threads, post a comment or a question, or just read the comments. This format has allowed for more participation from our school community, and we look forward to another great event! You don't need to be on Facebook to participate.  Just click on the following link to join in! https://www.facebook.com/events/648388695260139/?source=1

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Important Announcement

On Friday, September 19, if you see lines of students walking across the street heading to the Teen Center, do not panic. We will be holding our annual mandated emergency evacuation drill.

The Department requires all schools to hold emergency drills at least once a month.  Most of the time, we have fire drills, but we are also mandated to have an emergency evacuation drill and a shelter-in-place drill at least once during the school year.

US Army Garrison personnel provides oversight for our emergency evacuation drill. Afterwards, we convene for an After-Action Review, and everyone present shares their observations and makes recommendations for future evacuations.  Please know that we take these monthly drills seriously, are required to submit data at the end of the year and revise our emergency plans accordingly.

Parents have asked if they can walk with their child. Because this is a drill and practice for an actual emergency, we ask that unless you normally volunteer on Fridays, do not plan on accompanying your child.  We need to know that our teachers and students know what to do in case of an emergency.

You will be getting a mass message on your primary phone number when the drill begins and after the drill is over. The message will be sent to your voice mail if you do not pick up the call.  Please do not call the school; no one will answer because all of us will be participating in the drill.  The drill requires us to have a plan at the evacuation site when parents come to pick up their children. This is an important part of what the Army personnel will be observing.

We will remind you of the drill prior to Friday. We always recommend that students dress comfortably for school and bring a container of water. This will be especially true on Friday when students will walk approximately 1/2 mile to the Teen Center. We have had flip-flops break along the way as well as blisters on girls who were wearing shoes more appropriate for parties than for school.

Every year, the Army observers praise our students for their behavior during this drill. This is a direct reflection on our staff who stress the expectations for all emergency drills.

We will notify you if the emergency evacuation drill will be rescheduled due to inclement weather or some other unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, if your primary phone number has changed, please let the school know so we can change our records.

We hope that we never have an actual emergency requiring evacuation, but if we do, we will at least know that we are prepared.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/12 - 9/20

FREE Online math & science tutoring. Available to ALL Hawaii Dept. Of Education students K – 12 Monday – Friday 9am – 10pm. Sunday 5pm – 10pm. http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ola  click on Enter Tutoring Room. No login or password required. Just sign in using your first name. For more information: ola@hawaii.edu or 808-956-3714

FYI CYS Services Hourly Care.
COST: $4/hr up to 20 hours/week
LOCATION: Petersen CDC and Helemano CDC
AGES: 6 weeks - 5 years (not in Kindergarten)
ADDITIONAL INFO: All youth need to registered with CYS Services (no cost to register). Reservations for hourly care need to be made 2 weeks in advance and is on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please contact Parent Central Services to register or for more information: 655-8380.

Kim Butler, MFLC (Military & Family Life Counselor) kbutler@halekula59.k12.hi.us 
I am working on trying to put together a group for students who have a parent that is currently deployed, deploying in the next couple of months, or recently returned from a deployment. I know personally how challenging each of these times can be and would like to offer my assistance to the students.  My intent is to begin the groups in mid-October and run them until mid-December. If you're interested in your child participating in the group, please send me an email by Friday Oct 3rd. I will send home permission slip with details.

Tripler School Behavioral Health Team and Hale Kula Elem. PCNC is partnering together to provide FREE parent workshops. Previous workshops include Stress Free Living, Parent Tool Box, Managing Difficult Behaviors in Children and Communication Strategies. In an effort to better serve the needs of our families please let us know if you are interested in these workshops and additional topics that you would like to learn about ruby.e.bartolome.civ@mail.mil

Fri. Sept. 12        Friday Store afterschool in P14. Ice Cream and snacks $1.00 and under

Fri. Sept. 12        National Night Out 4:30pm – 7pm at Wheeler Community Center sponsored by IPC. Food, games, prizes and music and more.

Sat. Sept. 13       FREE family event "A Lifetime of Healthy Activity" with the Ohana on at UFC Gym Waikele.  Local fighters such as Max Holloway and Brad Tavares will be making a special appearance.  Come down for some family activities, prizes, and food.  Invite your family and friends.  Enjoy the day filled with family fun and physical activity! 
10:30 - 11:15      Demos/Activity Sessions, all 15 min demos
11:30 - 12:30      Lunch will be provided by Aloha Salads
11:30 - 12:00      Autograph session:  Max Holloway
12:15 - 12:45      Autograph session:  Brad Tavares
Please RSVP at the following link.  You will have to cut and paste into the URL:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yPoPoE_ba2KfmpGrrwzTt-XtM6t0UXw3feuGov-M5M8/edit

Sat. Sept. 13               Eat the Street festival at Mililani Rec Center 7 on Lehiwa Drive and Mililani Ike Elementary school. from 2pm – 7pm. More than 40 food vendors with the theme of ‘garlic’. Also craft booths, live entertainment and a keiki fun zone along with free parking shuttles.  Call 440-2603

Sun. Sept. 14       Under the Blood Red Sun Book Signing, Movie, meet the author, director and cast 12:00 – 5:00pm at the Pacific Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor Schedule for the day:. 12:00 to 1:00pm – Book signing, Autograph Session, Meet & Greet the Author, Actors, and Director   1:30 to 3:00pm – Screening of the movie, Under the Blood Red Sun   3:00 to 4:00pm – Author, Actors & Director Panel Discussion   4:00 to 5:00pm – Book signing, Meet & Greet. Free with Museum admission and free to Museum members. For more information, 808-441-1007. Tickets and event information are available at PacificAviationMuseum.org.

Mon. Sept. 15       Copy Training at 8:00am starts in P14 and walk to D4. No kids allowed

Tues. Sept. 16       Fall Festival Planning Meeting 1:00pm in P14

Wed. Sept. 17      PTO Meeting at 11am in P14

Thurs. Sept. 18     Breakfast with my Soldier for P6, P10, P11 in the cafeteria
Chaperone Training at 1:30 in P14

Fri. Sept. 19        Kona Ice Truck on campus afterschool instead of Friday Store in P14

Sat. Sept. 20       Leilehua Band Craft Fair in the school cafeteria from 9am – 2pm. Many vendors, food booths, entertainment, raffles Call 305-3054