Friday, July 27, 2012

Menu for July/August

For those who've been asking, here's a link to the menu for July and August.

7/30 - 8/3

                                           Welcome back to a great New School Year
First morning bell rings at 7:45 AM, a second tardy bell rings at 7:55 AM.  Students are asked to wait in front of the library or behind the cafeteria until the 7:45 bell rings, unless directly supervised by an adult.  If a student is not at their classroom by 7:55, they will need to go to the main office to pick up a tardy slip.
The end of the day bell rings at 2:10 PM (M,T,TH, F) and 1:30 (Wed).  We ask that adults wait quietly in the hallways when picking up students rather than at the classroom door until the final bell rings.  Limited parking is available on the grassy area in front of the school (please do not double park).  Additional parking is available across the street.

Get ready for our Book Fair Family contest by watching and reading about Olympic moments.  Watch the all-star athletes compete in a variety of sports and track your favorites.  More information to come in Wednesday folder. Go team USA!  Olympic Games Opening Ceremony tonight, July 27

Mon. July 30 Students Return to school

Tues. July 31  Parents that have taken Chaperone Training before can stop by P14 anytime to update their childrens current class rooms and get reminder paper.

Wed. Aug. 1  School is out every Wednesday at 1:30 pm (change from last year)

Thurs. Aug. 2  Chaperone Training in P14 at 8:00 am (It is required to attend Chaperone Training once before going on any field trip, training lasts 30 minutes and is always free)

                   Kindergarten Class Posting at 4:00 pm outside cafeteria

Fri. Aug. 3   Kindergarten Parent only orientation in the cafeteria at 8:15 am. Parents can come and meet all the kindergarten teachers and other staff. Then take school supplies to the classroom. All items should be labeled with child's name.


Friday, July 20, 2012

7/23 - 7/30

Welcome back to a great new school year!

Mahalo for supporting your child’s education by staying connected to Hale Kula.

School Bus Service
Bus service to Hale Kula continues for students who live a mile or more away from school.  If you are not sure if you qualify, please call Cheryl in the Hale Kula office, 622-6380, x221.  Applications, bus schedules (there are a few changes from last year's schedule since we now have one bus), and the rates (no changes) are available in the office.  Space-available applications are not being accepted at this time.  Mahalo!

Mon. July 23  New Parent Orientation in the cafeteria from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, includes a tour of the school.

Tues. July 24  Class Lists will be posted for 1st – 5th grades at 4:00 pm outside of the cafeteria (closest side to parking lot)

Wed. July 25  Teacher Meet & Greet from 1:45 to 2:45 pm. THIS TIME HAS CHANGED. Parents bring your children and their school supplies to their classrooms to meet your new teachers.  (please do not come earlier as teachers will be working or in meetings - thank you)

Thurs. & Fri. July 26 & 27  No teachers on campus, however the office will be open.

Mon. July 30: Students Return .... first morning bell rings at 7:45 AM, a second tardy bell rings at 7:55 AM.  Students are asked to wait in front of the library or behind the cafeteria until the 7:45 bell rings, unless directly supervised by an adult.  If a student is not at their classroom by 7:55, they will need to go to the main office to pick up a tardy slip.

The end of the day bell rings at 2:10 PM (M,T,TH, F) and 1:30 (Wed).  We ask that adults wait quietly in the hallways when picking up students rather than at the classroom door until the final bell rings.  Limited parking is available on the grassy area in front of the school (please do not double park).  Additional parking is available across the street.