Thursday, August 21, 2014

8/22 - 8/29

Hale Kula Elementary is currently in need of lunch supervisors to assist students during their lunch periods between 10:30 and 12:30.  At this time there are 3 positions available.  Pay is $8.00 per hour for 1.5 hours per day.  Please contact vice principal Agnes Leinau 622-6380 or 305-3431 to set up an appointment.

Thank you for filling out the pink volunteer survey form that came home Wednesday.

Fri. Aug. 22        PTO School Store open after school today in P14

School is out all week at 12:45 for Parent Teacher conferences.
Conferences start at 1pm daily. Thank you for being on time for your conference.

Mon. Aug. 25       School starts at 7:55 every day – Be in class ready to learn

Tues. Aug. 26      Chaperone Training in P14 at 8am

Wed. Aug. 27      First Fall Festival planning meeting in P14 at 12 noon – please join in

Thurs. Aug. 28     Field Trip for 2nd and 3rd Grade to HTY

Fri. Aug. 29        Dominos Fundraiser – Order from Dominos on post and Hale Kula profits$
                      Because of early release there will be no school store today in P14

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